Customer Faithful's Managing Director, Rick Harris will be speaking at this years' American Society on Aging (ASA) Conference, in Chicago, Ill. (23-27 March).
Read MoreIn healthcare, it's understandable that employees are encouraged to take personal responsibility to solve problems. But does this drive a behaviour to simply fix a problem, rather than the underlying cause? And if this pattern exists in healthcare, what does it tell us in other industries about customer service management?
Read MoreCustomer Faithful's Rick Harris will be making two presentations at the Pfizer Lifelines seminars on March 14th, showcasing some of the techniques and findings from projects undertaken within the Pfizer Lifelines programme since 2010.
Read MoreThe shocking details of the Mid Staffordshire hospital scandal were already known, of course. But in forming our view on what needs to change to support patients, we were keen the explore the reaction to yesterday's release of the public inquiry, known as the Francis Report.
Read MoreThe much discussed NPS-style 'Friends & Family' question is being introduced by the NHS in April 2013. But will this survey be asked at the right time in the patient experience? And how narrowly should their experience be framed?
Read MoreCustomer experience (CX) dogma has drilled companies into engineering their products and services for consistency. But what about their people? Could or should firms ''dare to be different' and hire employees outside of their usual profile?
Read MoreFor a customer experience to achieve its goals, it needs employees to feel free to deliver it authentically. So how can firms empower their people to provide a great experience, without risking them going off-piste? By being brave. Here's why.......
Read MoreIt’s hardly a new idea that sales teams need to respond to what their customers want from their products and services. But what if the things that customers truly value are still unknown to the company? Or seemingly beyond your firms’ control altogether?
Read MorePerhaps the most consistent finding we see in our work with patients is the lack of 'joined-up' healthcare - the reality that the experience patients want is often very different from the "care pathway" that individual healthcare providers offer. So what can be done?
Read MoreWhat happens when a problem occurs with your customer service?Rather than react to problems ad-hoc, we advocate designing apology management directly into the experience. Here are three audit themes we’ve used to help design the 'delivery of apology'.....
Read MoreIn a world where pharmaceutical companies traditionally focus on patient compliance with their medication regimes, how would a patient-centric model pay for itself? And how would we recognise its existence in a drug company’s behaviour?
Read MoreIn a busy deadline-driven world of operational efficiency, how do industry leaders find the time and motivation to build truly world-class organisations? Perhaps the answer lies not at the end of a rainbow but in the tail-end of a bell curve......
Read MoreThis article shows how a doctor adapted the risk management techniques of aircraft-maker Boeing to improve the patient outcomes in his operating theatre. Read on to learn how checklists can improve the consistency and quality of any product or service.
Read MoreOver the last few weeks, we've noticed some innovative new bathroom equipment from well-known Gerberit and Mira brands. But whilst their marketing brochures are overflowing with promises of 'break-taking' experiences, we think their hype is missing both the point...and an opportunity.
Read MoreRecent feedback analysis of NHS services in the UK found that patients prefer being treated at private hospitals for NHS treatment. Not surprised? You might be, when you read what patients said REALLY made a difference.......
Read MoreRegulation is often seen as synonymous with ‘red tape’, and getting in the way of economic growth. But it can have a positive role, providing an opportunity for firms to demonstrate responsible brand values and behaviours to its customers.
Read MoreTo talk about making the NHS better is one thing, but to actively campaign to improve its healthcare, year after year, is something else.
Read MoreRecent governments have focused on self-management and disease awareness to try and prevent the cost of healthcare from growing still further. Here's how....
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